Aging does not necessarily mean that one must lose their state of independence, but bringing up the topic of a medical alert system to your aging parent or loved one can be intimidating regardless of how sparkling your relationship may be. Unfortunately, there are times when you simply cannot be available to render aid, especially if you are part of the “sandwich generation,” literally caring for aging parents and young children.
These are some suggestions for approaching the topic of a personal response device with a senior, while expressly exhibiting your compassion and empathy without offending their well-deserved sense of dignity.
Beginning the Discussion
Naturally, you don’t want to wait for an accident to happen before taking preventive action to protect the safety of your loved one, particularly if they reside alone. But you don’t want to bombard them with an intervention-like scenario, either. Schedule a time to talk to them, begin by expressing your love and concern, and take time to go into any specific details that have led you to the conclusion that a medical alert device is a wise investment. Be prepared to listen to your loved ones’ feeling and concerns throughout the conversation, and be armed with information to support your stance.
Explain the Benefits of Medical Alert Devices
Freedom, independence, the comfort of knowing help will be on the way with the push of a button – there are so many benefits of these life saving implements for all concerned parties. Do not hesitate to explain how their owning such a device will also bring you peace of mind by eliminating your continual concern for their well-being. Knowing you will feel better may be enough to sway them to see the issue your way.
Debunk Alert Systems as Spying Devices
In today’s world, many people worry about “Big Brother” spying on them. Explain that this innovative technology only initializes the tracking process when the device is activated. This is what allows personal response system staff to get your loved one help on the way immediately. Realistically, the device functions much like the GPS on a mobile phone in emergencies.
Making The Final Decision
Hopefully, you’ll encounter little resistance in your efforts, but be aware that many seniors view this step as one more towards helplessness. Your conversation may not go as planned, and it may end before it really starts depending on the feelings and response of your loved one. However, time can change their mind as they begin to absorb the benefits and give merit to your concerns. Either way, by making an initial effort to approach the subject, you have at least given them something to think about.
When you are ready to order a medical alert system or have questions about how to have these types of conversations, please let us know.