The realm of medical alert devices has made progressive strides since their inception. Just a few of the most notable improvements include increased communication ranges, increases in portability and wearable options, improved fall detection features, improved monitoring systems, and the ability of medical alert systems to recognize other alarms such as carbon monoxide and fire alarms within a home. The key to selecting the ideal medical alert system for yourself or an aging loved one is to find one that meets the wearer’s specific lifestyle needs.
Consider the Range of Personal Alert Devices
Love to get out of the house and go shopping, or is working in the yard or perusing the neighborhood a passion you can’t live without? Then a medical alert device with an extended range is ideal. Portable buttons or pendants boast various ranges depending on the model and the provider. Choosing the right one will depend on just how far one needs or wants to traverse regularly and still enjoy 24-hour medical protections.
There are certain models that will let people travel anywhere in the nation where there is cellular service, and one touch still automatically calls medical response persons. One of the best devices for travelers is Lifepal Medical Alert, which offers a secure online portal that tracks the wearer’s SentryPal location at all times, ensuring that help is just a push away regardless of location.
Medical Alert Devices with No Land Line Required
One of the most recent spectacular features has surfaced in just the past year, and it certainly was a needed change. Today, personal response systems don’t necessarily have to be connected to a land line, because certain models will communicate with medical emergency personnel via cellular service zones – no home phone service is required!
One of the most popular medical alert modules today is the Bodyguard Medical Alert Command Module with a pendant range of nearly a 1000 feet and a super-powerful microphone speaker box that offers up to a 5000-square foot household hearing range. Those without home phone service can enjoy the same reliability and convenience of this system with the Bodyguard Cell Module.
Battery Life – Extending the Freedom
One issue to bear in mind when choosing the right medical alert system is that the device is only as “alive” as its batteries are, so regular checks are required. However, some of the top personal alert responses devices will automatically notify caregivers or send a signal when the battery is registering as ‘low.’ Most devices will offer battery backups with juice for at least 60 hours, but the more the better!
Keep these helpful innovations and important considerations in mind as you make that investment into the future and choose the best medical alert system for yourself or your loved one.