Falling can cause serious injuries in seniors. The risk of falling will increase with age. Starting at age 65 the chances for falling become much more severe compared to that of someone a younger age. As the person becomes older than 80, the chances of falling almost doubles to that of someone 65 or older…. [Continue]
How Exercise Can Help Prevent Falls
The National Institute of Health reports that over one-third of seniors fall every year. These falls can have a major impact on your life, limiting your activities or even making independent living more difficult. There are many things you can do to prevent falls. Moving furniture to provide clear walking lanes, installing new hand rails… [Continue]
It’s Time To Move It or Lose It
Staying fit and healthy has been proven to improve the quality and quantity of life, especially in senior citizens. Seniors should be encouraged to do some type of physical activity each day or risk losing their mobility. By being active, a person will be less likely to be lose their mobility, be confined to a… [Continue]
Safety Tips for Independent Seniors
Independence is important to all of us, and it is a big consideration for seniors as they age. Balancing independence with safety is the key to seniors staying independent as long as possible, and these tips can help to support a high quality of life in the process:Remind Seniors About the RisksUnfortunately, seniors can be… [Continue]
Remaining Independent: Medical Alert System can help
Are you living alone and concerned about falling and needing help? Is your family concerned that you live alone? Are you able to care for yourself and live well, but maybe want a little more reassurance that help is available? How can using a Medical Alert System Keep me Independent? Emergency Assistance: Everyone needs help… [Continue]
Over Age 65: Get a Medic Alert System to Keep Your Kids from Badgering You
Suppose you fell, but were fortunate that a close friend was visiting you when this happened. Within minutes, your friend called 911. A short time later, you were in the hospital emergency room. You were lucky, as your only injury was a sprained ankle. A few days later, you forgot all about it as you… [Continue]
Preventing Falls: Senior Lifestyle Tips
As we age we face the very real threat of falls and injury. A fall can take away independence and change a lifestyle for the worse. To prevent falls, we recommend considering the following information: Risk Factors and Causes A study done by the Aging Research of Hebrew SeniorLife (affiliated with Harvard Medical School) examined… [Continue]
All about Slips and Falls in the Home
Falls are the second leading cause of unintentional death in homes and communities, according to the National Safety Council, leading to more than 25,000 fatalities in 2009. Older people are at greater risk for serious injury or even death after a fall; 80 percent of all people who die from falls were over the age of 65. While not… [Continue]